2024 SLP Session 1, Week 3 Recap

2024 SLP Session 1, Week 3 Recap

Hello and welcome to the official Summer Leadership Program week 3 recap. Now that the participants have been poured into a little bit, they were given the opportunity to pour back into the community and get a taste of what it is like to serve for great local...
2024 SLP Session 1, Week 4 Recap

2024 SLP Session 1, Week 4 Recap

Welcome to the blog of week 4 of SLP. Our “Love Lakeland Day” was full of interesting sites around the city. We learned a ton about the city’s different cultural and industrial staples. To start our day we had a light breakfast from Chick-fil-A and a...
2024 SLP Session 1, Week 5 Recap

2024 SLP Session 1, Week 5 Recap

Hello and welcome to the final blog of Session 1. I know I speak for James and Katie when I say we are truly thankful for each and every participant for being here with us over the past 5 weeks. I personally have learned so much from all of the participants and...
2024 SLP Session 2, Week 1 Recap

2024 SLP Session 2, Week 1 Recap

Hello and welcome to the first official blog of SLP Session 2! Katie, James, and I have been so excited to meet the participants and kick off this session and it couldn’t have gone better. To kick off the day right, participants were served breakfast from Black...