2024 SLP Session 1, Week 1 Recap
Hello and welcome to the first official blog post of the 2024 Summer Leadership Program! The first day of SLP has been a long time coming, and I couldn’t be happier to finally see months of planning and dedication come to life, and – of course – our eager...
2024 SLP Session 1, Week 2 Recap
Welcome to the official SLP week 2 blog! Week 2 was packed with wonderful, talented speakers whose workshops and lectures focused on the theme of “leadership within the workplace.” Upon arrival, participants were served breakfast from Mitchell's as we gave them an...
September 2022 LEDC Member Meeting Recap
We had pleasure of introducing the City of Lakeland's newest team member, Valerie Ferrell, Manager of the Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency. Valerie returns to the Lakeland CRA after serving as the Senior Redevelopment Coordinator for Hillsborough County.We also...
Thibault Manekin – Larger Than Yourself
At our February meeting, LEDC investors, Catapult entrepreneurs, community advocates, and civic and government leaders heard from author and social entrepreneur Thibault Manekin…
Catalyst 2.0 – How Accessibility to Information Turns Dreams into Reality
The type of development this community longs to see doesn’t just happen. It takes a formula made up of the right ingredients…
Why Should You Care About This?
We know economic development is not the most exciting topic out there; however, we believe that learning about it, even if it just a little bit, can be a really good idea!
Downtown Outdoor Seating: A Pedestrian-Only Kentucky Avenue
A number of Lakelanders were interested in taking the outdoor seating concept one-step further and creating a pedestrian-only Kentucky Avenue. We asked our friends at The Lunz Group to visualize that concept for you…
Downtown Outdoor Seating: A Post COVID-19 Solution?
Over the past few days the LEDC and The Lunz Group partnered to create these renderings to help Lakelanders visualize what temporary and/or permanent outdoor seating might look like on Kentucky Avenue and Main Street.
The Other Side: Post COVID-19 Roadmap
When we experience a crisis like COVID-19 it reminds us how important it is to have a diversified economy. The following is a list of questions we have been asking ourselves as part of a project we are calling “The Other Side”.
COVID-19: A Lakeland Business Update – PART II
Last week the Lakeland Economic Development Council staff called our 135 member companies for the second time during the Covid-19 crisis. We have been getting updates on how their businesses have been affected.
Do you have news to share?
CALL our team: 863-687-3788