Hello and welcome to the final blog of SLP Session 2. I wanted to start by saying how thankful for this program. I know I speak for Katie and James when I say we have all learned so much form all of the participants. Each of them have impacted my life in so many different ways and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Our day was led by Sam Davidson, who has been helping with the program since 2016. Sam wrapped up SLP by tying together all we had learned and showed us how to really apply it to our lives. Sam led the group through lots of different workshops on evaluating yourself and how you personally can make a difference. He also challenged participants to come up with a cool idea of something to bring to Lakeland. My favorite part was seeing groups different ideas and how they could impact Lakeland. My personal highlight from Sam was how much emphasis he put on having people you care about in your life. He shared very interesting statistics of how much time you spend with people and he talked about how important it is to be with people who make you happy.

After a full day with Sam, it was time for graduation. Supervisors started to arrive and then we began. To start off we heard from LEDC Board Chairman, Cory Petcoff who is the CEO of Baron Realty. He talked about the values of the program and how much of an honor it is to go through SLP. James then led us through the rest of the ceremony and talked about the history of SLP. We asked participants D Newell, Ken Moore, and Sam Odom to give a testimonial of their SLP experience. Each of them did a fantastic job sharing different takeaways from the program and how they feel it impacted them.


Once they were done, James called the names of each participant and they received their certificate from Katie.


With that, our SLP Session 2 came to an end. Again, I want to thank all participants and supervisors for making this program possible. I really have learned so much through this internship and I am truly grateful

Thanks for reading!

  • Carter Sandman (SLP Intern)